Friday, August 17, 2018

What the Victims Hear

Wednesday, a grand jury report revealed that 300+ priests had abused over 1000 victims in several diocese in Pennsylvania. Anyone who isn't disgusted by this needs to have their head examined. Predictably, the finger-pointing and excuse-making started immediately.

It's the fault of the Ordinary form on the Mass.
Vatican II caused this.
It's the gays.
It's the women.
It's the effeminate mass. (What?)
It's the effeminate bishops.
It's celibacy.
It wasn't pedophilia because the victims were mostly teens.
It wasn't rape because they weren't penetrated.

I am a sexual assault survivor--although he person who assaulted me wasn't a priest or member of the clergy. This is what the finger pointing sounds like to someone who has been harmed by sexual assault:

My preference for mass form is more important than the abuse that happened to you.
My bone to pick with the Church is more important than the abuse.
Your abuser's sexual orientation is more important to me than what he did to you. Female victims don't count. 
My sexism against women is more important than what happened to you.
My prejudices are are important than the abuse you suffered.
If we made women marry these men, they could be abused and we could turn a blind eye.
Your abuse isn't important to me because of your age.
The only abuse that counts is rape Everything else is unimportant.

The only things that does not sound like minimizing and excusing abuse, that doesn't sound like beating your own dead horse of a pet issue, is to say without minimization, "This was evil. These men were predators and what they did was evil. The men who covered it up did evil and allowed evil. We must seek justice. We must repent. We must make sure it never happens again."

If a coyote or wolf sneak into the flock of sheep, the sheepdogs do not protect the coyotes and wolves. They kill them or drive them back into the darkness. The shepherd doesn't turn a blind eye to the predators. He kills them and nails their skins to the barn. Those in charge of protecting the flock ensure that the coyotes and wolves have no chance to harm any of the sheep again. They don't blame the sheep. They don't claim it's because the sheep flocked the wrong way, or that the ewes were too tempting, or the rams not ramly enough. They kill the wolves. They display the skins so all the sheep and every other coyote and wolf knows what happens to those who prey on the sheep. (In case you can't wrap your head around figurative language, I'm not calling for their execution and skinning, but a transparent and public pursuit of justice).

Whatever he's eating doesn't care how much you admire him or your theory about why the wolf killed him. Wolves kill because they are predators. Sexual predators rape, molest, grope, and destroy innocent and trust for the same reason.

The only place to point the finger right now is at the men who did the evil and at the men who covered it up and allowed it to continue--no matter their politics or their policies. Predators come in all faces and forms. They are charming and manipulative. You cannot look at any other part of their life and make excuses for them. The wolf is beautiful and loyal to his pack, but he will kill the flock. His loyalty and beauty do not matter. His desire to kill does.

Stop pointing the finger at everything except the wolves.